Life is about Balance

I always get asked what is the best health advice you can give to someone?

For me the answer is simple;

Life is all about balance.

I would never advise someone to go to extreme health measures unless it is really required for a serious health condition. In todays world, diet culture is so prevalent and I see people going on such extreme measures to lose weight. But what if the answer was much more simple than that? What if we learnt to love ourselves the way we are and find a balance in the middle? Social media makes it very difficult not to compare yourself and the problem that creates is a toxic mentality of looking in a certain way.

I too have struggled with my own eating habits, and with trying to look a certain way. I would never undermine anyone’s struggles with eating and loving themselves just the way they are because I too have had extremely dark days where I have gone through my own battles. But, now I can say with certainty that trying to find a balance in everything you do is what is truly going to get you to be at your happiest. So now you might ask, what does balance mean? What does that look like?

For me, balance means being kind and loving myself. It means honouring myself with what feels right. If that means eating french fries and a milkshake for dinner then that is what I will do. If it means eating a salad for lunch and a smoothie for dinner then that is what I will do. I always do what feels right for me and I won’t stop myself from “eating fried food” or from “drinking a beer” because of the negative stigma that might be associated with the two.

I will always try and do what feels best for me and I hope this is helpful for anyone struggling with something similar :)


Scrambled tofu with vegetables